Sullivan Falls - Oregon Cascades

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Pertinent technical details or techniques: 5D2, 17-40L f4 @ f16@ 2.0, ISO 100, CPL

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

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Danny, this image does a nice job of showcasing the lush greens of a Pacific Northwest rainforest. I love the moss on the cliff, and the emerald color of the water in the pool. The shutter speed has created a nice veil of water too. I also like the “island” in the middle of the falls, it adds some interest.

I don’t know if this is an optical illusion or not, but it feels like the image is leaning right. It’s weird because the base of the cliff to the left of the falls looks level, but the cliff to the right looks very tilted down to the right. Even if this is technically level, I’d recommend rotating it slightly counter clockwise.

I like how you used the rocks at the bottom edge to frame the pool. My only nit here is that the big one in the center feels slightly cut off by accident. I would suggest cropping to either show more, or less of it, so it looks more like a deliberate crop.

The large version is amazing. This should make a fine print. I’ve been shooting the Cascade forests with a cooler green but this looks great. The only thing is the water - I prefer a shutter speed that’s much faster. But that’s a personal preference. Don’t know what to suggest. The center bottom rocks have some ‘funky’ blue in them. I like the turquoise in the central rock though.

Beautifully rendered textures and colours in the foliage, Danny. Getting the fallen trunk high up nicely complements the lines of the waterfall. I would myself prefer a faster shutter but recognise the convention of slow speed waters.

Very much like the image especially the comp. The off-center waterfall works nicely. Overall, this seems too warm/yellow to me. It seems this would have greater impact if it were actually greener. Played with Selective Color with the Absolute radio button and came up with the following:

Thanks for the input Tony, I do have a file that’s closer to what you did. but I couldn’t make up my mind which one to use. I choose the warmer file. things do get very green Oregon,

I like this a lot, Danny. The emerald green of the pool really caps this off for me. No nits from me about the composition and your processing looks great as well.

EDIT: After seeing Tony’s post I do prefer the color balance in his re-work better.

Nice comp @Danny_Laureys. I haven’t been to this falls yet and your shot makes me want to go!

I agree with Tony about the color, and I also feel like it needs a little more depth to feel more dynamic. I did a quick mockup using the selective color layer, some burning and dodging on the cliff walls to give some depth, and a little darkening of the midtones using a Midtones 3 mask.

You can download the layered file here:

Not sure if it’s up your alley but maybe it is. Let me know if you have any questions.

This one of your nicer compositions, Danny. It works nicely for me.

I do think the tweaks made by Tony and TJ do spice this up. The original looked too yellow for me, as well.

I agree with Igor that this would make a lovely print.