Ordinary House Finch

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Ordinary Male House Finch. I wanted to use complimentary coloring between the finch and the green on the stick and background. I prefer dark processing and do no normally see dark processed bird images.

Technical Details

I wanted to use complimentary coloring between the finch and the green on the stick and background. I prefer dark processing and do no normally see dark processed bird images.

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Nice photo… I do like the contrast with the dark and the red colors.

sue K

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I love the muted, moody look of this bird. Well done.

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Brett, there is nothing “ordinary” about the male house finch. We just don’t pay much attention to them. I agree with @Dave_Douglass and @SueK regarding the dark BG and play of colors. I do wish the whole bird was in focus. There is a patch of feathers on the chest and area around the eye that is sharp. The rest of the bird including the bill are soft. You have a very shallow DOF. What lens were you using and what were your settings on the camera? I am guessing you were using a long lens which takes care or you DOF gets very shallow. Thanks for using the unusual BG.

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Thank you for the feedback. I was using a Tamron 100-400 It was a stormy day so it was darker so had the camera maxed out at 400. I don’t remember the iso but it was high and I was shooting handheld which probably led to some soft areas.

Hi Brett,
though very dark, the red does pop a bit which brings my initial attention to the colorful bird. I like the seeing the outline of the curvy branch and hint of green in the background. Head and eye are sharp which is nice even though the tip of the beak seems to be getting soft. Looks like to me you have done well to produce a moody, dark image as you had envisioned.

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Dark is right. It looked a little brighter on my screen. I need to recalibrate. Also checking images against white background would have helped. Thanks for the feedback.

with a recalibrated monitor


Hi Brett, yes I like this one better. Keeps the dark mood but I can see the important features better.

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