Parrot Tulip

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Is this a composite: No
D850, lensbaby, handheld, on light table.


Kathy, beautiful image, ethereal with white on white. Love the subtle shades of colors with edges almost merging with the background.

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Kathy: Wonderfully conceived and superbly executed. I’ve been meaning to get out my light table and do some similar stuff but keep putting it off. You’ve inspired me. Very well done. >=))>

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Oh my!! What a superb image and with a lens baby!!! :slight_smile: Way to go!! lary

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I like the delicate feel to this image. Well done.

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Exceptional! The subtle transition from the white of the petals to the white of the background is exquisite, and the curled central variegated petal, perfect.

When you say “on light table”, is the flower physically laying on the surface of the table?

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Hi Paul. Thank you and , yes, in this case the flower was physically laying on the light table. I don’t have a modern light table , mine is not battery powered and is an old tracing table so none of my photos with the light table are taken in the garden. That is why I asked you about yours. I have been eyeing ones that have a battery power source and can be toted around.
I do sometimes prop the light table up and use vases or a plamp to hold the flower and in that case the flower is not laid on the table.

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Kathy, the gentle beauty here is outstanding. Well done.

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Hi Kathy, if there is such a term as “quiet beauty” this flower is a fine example. I’ve got to get out my light table. The subtle beauty of this shot is well done.

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Excellent presentation… so soft and delicate. I like John Williams’ description " quiet beauty". A good title to this image.

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