Past ripe.

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


From the Pipestone Canyon Trail, WA.

Specific Feedback

Seeking any and all advice and comments. Thanks in advance.

Please view the large image!

Technical Details

Canon R7, 1/40 s, f/4.5, ISO 500, EF 24-105mm f/4 @ 105 mm, CPL, HH.
Raw file processed in LRClassic and Topaz Photo AI. TK resize/sharpening for web.



This is just lovely! I love the soft, almost pastel color palett here and great job with the selective focus and depth of field. I was tempted to suggest cropping a bit off the left since the main subject are the berries, but the soft leaves in the bg are so lovely, I would hate to cut in to that.

I have no nits or suggestions for improvement. Love this!


My thought’s pretty much mirror those of @Lon_Overacker on this lovely intimate scene. This has a light airy feel to it that I find inviting. Nicely done.

Very pleasing I like it a lot and the palette of colour is very soothing.