Pelican Parade

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I took this image during a serendipitous moment at Woy Woy, where the central pelican seemed to command the stage, a maestro at the heart of a feathery parade, with its companions serving as the chorus line in this natural assembly.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcome

Technical Details

177 mm at ISO 125 and 1⁄500sec at ƒ/8

An excellent composition, Saundie and an interesting assemblage. It’s really neat that all the foreground pelicans have their pouches expanded while those in the background don’t. I know they’re backlit, but I think bringing up the shadowed side of the pelicans a bit would make them pop from the background a bit more.

Thanks Dennis your feedback is much appreciated. When you say the " shadowed side of the pelicans" do you mean the shadows within each pelican?

Pretty much the whole bird except the areas caught by the backlight (mostly a few places on the back and neck that are already very bright). That’s why I suggested using a shadows adjustment or a darks luminosity mask so you don’t blow out the bright areas.

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I’ll give it a go thanks Dennis.

I love the pink pouches of these birds @Saundie Saundie. The backlight really makes them prominent. I can see bringing up the shadowed areas a bit to allow more detail in the birds bodies as well.

Thanks Ed. Will give it a go lightening the shadows, may take a while I’d do it bird by bird.

I don’t know, Don. I like it as is. Great image.

Thanks David, I like it too, always willing to explore new ideas. :+1:

Well done seeing the pyramid here, Don. While the poses of the pelicans aren’t perfect, you’re definitely aided by that central one, which really grabs our focus. I think the loose crop on the sides works fine here, but if you had gone square to further emphasize the shape of the group, I think that would have also worked well.