Shot this in 2013 down in Texas, also. In post, I leveled the shot, worked on the exposure a bit in curves, resized, reduced noise on the BG, and sharpened the bird. I am pretty sure this s full frame after leveling. All C&C welcome.
200-400 + 1.4x tc at 550mm, handheld lying on ground
ISO 800
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There’s something very peaceful about this shot. I like the colors in the water, which complement the grebe, and the stillness of the water. The reflection seems to add to this sense of peace. Nice job.
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I think everything came together on this one for you Lyle. Excellent warm color, detail, and composition. The reflection looks good and fits in with the whole image quite well. The area of darker warm orange in the lower right corner mirrors the brighter orange on the left half of the image. I’m a little surprised that this was taken at iso-800.
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Very mellow image, Lyle. I love the water and the blurred reflection. The grebe is just excellent. I don’t know what it is about such a plain little bird, but I find them very photogenic.
It’s a humble bird but you have elevated it to another level. I think it’s partly because of the colorful reflection in front of the bird. It adds a surprise element in the image. I am of two minds about the brightest reflection on the bird’s bill, perhaps just reducing the brightness by a little bit will help it.
Lovely photo of this little guy Lyle. The colors and detail all add up to an outstanding image. Nice job.
Excellent capture, Lyle.
The soft light and refection is very pleasing to the eye. They are such beautiful birds, although overlooked for a more colorful drake.
Great shot! 
Hi Lyle,
I like this is presented, but the big highlight on the back of the bird could be cloned out. Other than that, a wonderful image with the warm tones in the surrounding water. Well done…Jim