Take a few minutes ago in my garden. This juvenile is extremely docile and let me approach it within 18 inches. Taken with 105 macro under overcast skies.
iso 500, 105, f4, 640th, D850, handheld, 75% full frame.
Take a few minutes ago in my garden. This juvenile is extremely docile and let me approach it within 18 inches. Taken with 105 macro under overcast skies.
iso 500, 105, f4, 640th, D850, handheld, 75% full frame.
David, I’m not familiar with this bird, but he sure is cute. So glad that he let you come up close like that, I’m sure that was a great experience. Nice details where they need to be, and great oof background.
The macro makes for an interesting focus transition and a great background, David. It makes me wonder about the possibilities of using a wide angle on a Siskin.