Pintail drake landing

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Took this one a couple years ago at Bosque Del Apache. Only got to spend one day last year and not sure I can go again this year. Really missing it. Hope I can get out there for a few days.

Technical Details

Sony A1
taken at 600mm
1/5000 at f/6.3
ISO 800

Hi Kurt
Looks like you have a Natural Audubon stamp here.
Very nice.

Beautiful, Kurt. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that green patch on the wing of this species before, so this is a real treat. It might be my monitor, but the whites at the very front end of the neck don’t seem to be showing any detail. Don’t know if you can pull the highlights there down just a trifle or not, but it’s an awful small nit in a gorgeous image.

Wow, that’s a great image. Pin sharp and against an amazing background. Love the way that fits the color of the head. Very nicely done ! Best, Hans

I like the pose you chose to present. Great detail and the background seems perfect for the pintail.

This is a seriously beautiful image, Kurt. Wow! Lovely wing position and side light. Terrific details as well. The background is really what makes this image pop though. I can’t offer up anything that could improve this image.

WOW! All said above! This is perfection, with just the right softness on the BG.

Beautiful! Terrific incoming pose with a pleasing background. Love the water drops too. I see what Dennis mentions about the neck whites. Still a very strong image that really draws in the viewer.

Great capture, Kurt! I love the position of the wings. That BG is very smooth and makes the subject stand out nicely.