The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Sorry I haven’t been so active lately. I’ve been away from my camera for too long. Been going through some stuff with my knee and haven’t been out in some time. Hoping to get back to Bosque Del Apache this fall.
Specific Feedback
Any feedback is appreciated
Technical Details
Sony A1
1/5000 at f/6.3
ISO 800
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Was wondering the other day why we haven’t been seeing your work; glad you’re back. Excellent detail in the pintail landing and good complementary, Bosque, background.
hope your knee is well, what a wonderful image. love the stretch wings the head position and super sharp eye. the background is a wonderful color and really make the bird pop.
Kurt, Sure glad you’re better and getting out again! Definitely one of your excellent signature bird images! Tack-sharp detail, perfect pose and BG.
Missed you!
Nice flight shot here Kurt. I love the colors and details and the BG. Glad you’re doing better and hope your knee continues to cooperate. Congrats on the fine EP.