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Nikon D500, 500mm f/8, 1/5000 with ISO 2000
Is this a composite: No
Nikon D500, 500mm f/8, 1/5000 with ISO 2000
This is a lovely look at the Pintail Jim. Well done. You got a nice sharp, well exposed full wing extension pose with some nice habitat as well. Nice and simple composition. I am not sure if the bg has been modified by software or not as the mottled water is not what I would expect. I am not sure if you do cloning or not but you may consider cloning out the white bg birds.
Well done and looking forward to more.
Thank you, David. Excellent suggestion about the white birds.
Pleasing composition with excellent wing position. Exposure and color looks good. I would clone away the white out of focus birds in the background. I’m a little surprised that there is some blurriness in the wings at 5000th sec. This could be a result of too much noise reduction.
Thanks David, I think you are right, a little too heavy on the NR.