Pintail with marsh habitat

Taken at the local wildlife refuge. I generally don’t see Pintails and other ducks in this environmental location. Most of the time I find them in more open water and ponds. But I like the mix of brown tones in the image.

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Iso-800, 400+ 2X, F8, 2500th, handheld, A7r4, 70% of full frame, harsh light

That is an unusual place to find a Pintail, David, but like you, I like the palette. A nice pose and eye contact as well. You did a very good job of handling the harsh light.

Good job getting close to it. Nice and sharp as well with lots of fine detail. Pretty bird.

And you seem to have got down nice and low. Interesting to see it surrounded by brown, contrasting well with its own brown.

A nice look at the pintail out of water and I like how it is framed by the grass.