Pintails in Flight

Pintail pair flying in my area. Lowish tide. Nothing I can really do about the background that would look real.

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Technical Details

iso 400, 100-400 plus 1.4X, f8, 800th, A7R3, handheld, moderate crop


Always nice to get both sharp in the frame, especially male and female…
Nice work! You got away with 1/800 or is that a typo?

I can’t even get one duck in a frame, flying or not, never mind two so beautifully sharp and positioned. Who cares about the background? Nice.

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No typo. I was scanning as they flew by me….

Both sharp and I like the wing position of both. Excellent capture.

Awesome shot with wonderful panning! Not much you can do about the BG? I dunno – this took about 74 seconds. Looks pretty natural to me.

Thanks. I like what you did! What was your technique?