Pintails in Love

A day late for this post, but that’s the way I usually seem to be.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

Anything. This one didn’t get a lot of serious processing. Just a bit of plumage enhancement with Topaz Detail, a touch more light on the faces, and cleaning up some out of focus vegetation along the top.

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Anything. The position of the ducks in the frame was a bit tough in this one. I ended up lowering them a bit after straightening and adding some canvas on the top.

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

7D2, Sigma 150-600 C @ 600 mm, beanbag on car window, f/8, 1/2000, iso 1250, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. Straightened and cropped to 5109x3406 before resizing. Taken at 7:58 am on February 5th.

If you would like your image to be eligible for a feature on the NPN Instagram (@NaturePhotoNet), add the tag ‘ig’ and leave your Instagram username below.

You caught the pair in a nice pose. Color and detail look spot on. The composition works for me as a portrait of the pair, though I could also see a tad more room to the left. There’s a dark line, like a hair, coming off the males bill I could see removing. Looks as if you had some good light. Nicely done.

Lovely couple, Dennis - actually it’s been a while since I haven seen those. Removing the hair makes sense. Otherwise fine a presented, well done ! Cheers, Hans

A truly ducky Valentine’s Day postcard image. I really like it.

A lovely couple indeed, Dennis. Not sure how I missed seeing this shot, but I do love it.

OK. The hair is gone. To tell the truth, I thought it was on my monitor, not the duck.