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Questions to guide your feedback
Did you experience a feeling of wonder?
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Image Description
The Pioneer Mountains, with dramatic clouds above, rise high over the plains, transected by the Big Hole River, near Wisdom, Montana.
Technical Details
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max; 1.57mm-9mm, f/ 2.8 @ 1-1600 sec, ISO 32
My first reaction is that I am out enjoying myself on a sunny warm day as I am enjoying the expansive views around me. The clouds add some nice drama to this lovely scene.
Thank you @Ed_Lowe. Without obvious references for scale it is challenging to determine how wide open it is. That was my intent, to demonstrate how places like the plains and great deserts can be.
Bob, my first reaction is that I’d love to be out enjoying this area on a day like this. Looks like a perfect early summer day. I love the clouds. Whenever I see clouds like these I think of the painter Maynard Dixon and the way he portrayed western skies. Looking at your picture makes me start looking ahead toward summer a little bit!