Plastic Tripod leg covers for saltwater/sand protection

re the recent discussion on levers vs twists for tripods, and protection from sand/saltwater - I’ve used these things and they work great.
They will not last forever, but are cheap and easily replaced.
I HATE tripods and rarely use them - but sand and salt water make me nervous.

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Thanks, Sandy. I keep oner or two of their camera rain sleeves in my bag, but I didn’t know they made these.

Thanks for the info. I have never heard of or seen these things. I do a great deal of shooting seaside and am constantly cleaning the legs and feet of my RRS tripod of the sandy grit. I’m off to order a few… thanks

I have used a Benbo Trekker for tide pools, etc. They are still available used. Heavier and clunky compared to my Gitzo, but the bottom half of the leg is waterproof and the smaller upper section telescopes into it. So it now is a single purpose piece of gear I keep in the back of the car.

Next time it rains, check the local grocery store to see if they have any umbrella sleeves that they put in the front lobby - Secure with a rubber-band as needed.