Praying Mantis

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Seen recently at the local botanic gardens. A somewhat rare treat to photograph one of these.

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

Canon 90D, 70-200 f2.8L IS II, 1.4x extender II
ISO 2500, f16, 1/400s, hand held

Processed in DXO Pure Raw 3 and Photoshop

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Allen, what a nice find and capture. Yes, it was a rare treat I am sure, as I have not had very many opportunities with Praying Mantis, and when I did, he didn’t pose so nice in front of a nice smooth BG like this, on a nice perch. Really nice look at him, and I love how he posed, looking right into the camera it seems. The square crop works for me. Wonderful details from head to tail.

Jealous again!

I’ve never been fortunate enough to see, much less photograph, a mantid. Oh man. They are so badass. The sharpest bits seem to be in the body though and not those bulgy eyes. Razor thin DOF with the optics you had. Did you use a small focus point for the eyes? Hard to do if they’re moving, but that would have worked. Also focus peaking can tell you if you have it. What an awesome experience.

Cool!! Wonderful detail and composition!

These things are just bizarre. You wonder how they survive. Years ago on a photo tour in Africa, the group was sitting around the dinner table outdoors after dark and a HUGE one landed smack on the face of one of the women. It literally covered her whole face! The kept her composure long enough for several people to grab pictures. I wasn’t one of them but have the image burned into my brain.

@Shirley_Freeman @Kris_Smith @Diane_Miller
Thanks for the comments!

Kris, I got greedy and just used a single focus point on the upper abdomen thinking I could get the whole bug in focus if I lined it up correctly. That was the goal anyway. :grinning:

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I get several in the garden, so now I realize I am lucky, not that the flying insects are, as they often get chomped! Pose and composition I like very much here; I’d just prefer a bit more contrast between the upper half of the Hit Man’s body and the BG. Maybe lower the brightness of the body half.