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What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any
Pertinent technical details or techniques: Canon 7D, 10-22 @ 10, 1/1250 @ f8, ISO 320 The country estate of Lyme Park in Cheshire consists of a wonderful blend of woods and moorland, with isolated trees and architectural features in the mix of natural and managed landscape. I’ve tried to give the full flavour here !
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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Beautiful tree and excellent image of it. I am not sure how you feel about altering elements, but I would be tempted to clone out the building on the left. I find it a bit of an eye magnet. I find I spend a lot of time trying to figure out what it is instead of wandering through the beautiful scene.
Fantastic tree. I can see why you were drawn to it.
I too would globe out the building. For me it doesn’t add to the tranquil mood of the image.
Did you do much dodging in the post processing on this one? The reason why I ask is that the shadows suggest that the sun is out of frame in the upper right but that some of the leaves in the front of the tree appear frontlit to me
What a lot of character in that tree. I too think the tree surrounded by simplicity would work well. Instead of cloning, you could also play with a crop that cut off the busy sides and just focused on the tree.
Gorgeous landscape shot Ian, great composition, editing and colors. Just a small nit, when I open up the image there seems to be some noise and loss of detail. I’m not sure why that is as I am not familiar with Canons. 320 ISO is pretty low but perhaps lowering the shutters speed and reducing the ISO would help?
Ian, another very good tree. I agree with Harley about the building on the left. I also think that the whole image could be rotated CW by a few degrees.
Nathan : thanks for the comment. I did do a little dodging in the darks of the tree and the bushes - just a bit too much I guess !
Another nice addition to this series Ian. I like having the comp show more of the woods on the right, the amount you have shown nicely balances the large tree. I have to agree with the others about the building pulling the viewers eye away from the tree, this is a case where less is more. My preference would be to clone it away, rather than cropping from the left. I like having the amount of space to the left of the tree that you used, it contributes to a feeling of wide open spaces.