Pure Joy

Pure joy for me on several levels. The pure joy on a child’s face getting to steer a car on a carnival ride… And then there’s the pure joy getting to spend time watching and enjoying your grandson. Then of course, the joy of getting to capture it all with my camera.

Pure Joy.

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any - perhaps an ICM application that works? :slight_smile:

Any pertinent technical details:

Single frame, Nikon D7100, 16-85mm @ 38/57mm, 1/8th iso 100 2stop ND

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.
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Pure joy, for sure, Lon. Time with those we love is most important of all, but to get to capture it too, that is a real plus. I like the motion implied in this.

Excellent one, Lon. Nice to take a break from the natural world and take time to photograph “the hand of man” so to speak. Gosh, I can actually recall my first outing to D-land and driving around the Autopia… :clown_face:
…heck, I wonder if that was the first step to my Drag Racing days many years later?
You might need to keep an eye on the grandson for the lead foot syndrome… :cowboy_hat_face:

I love the captured joy on the little fella’s face. The blurriness or ICM if that is the case, not so much in that I kind of feel like the image is making my eyes want to cross (literally).

Three for three, Lon. Excellent, great fun!

Fabulous image, Lon. I love the movement and joy, the sense of going fast (I’ve seen these rides, and they are not super-fast). The colors are kind of retro too, and that adds considerably to the charm. Nice work.