Purple Haze

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The neat thing with the Z8 is that you can use the Starlight filter (internal feature) and see exactly what you are shooting and the Autofocus works swimmingly good. Still playing both with subject matter and conversion techniques.

Specific Feedback

Still trying to get past the purples/blues and would like to delve more into green/yellow or red/yellow combinations but not sure how I can get there when starting with a purely red image. Suggestions, please.

Technical Details

Shot with a Nikon Z8 with a 720 Nm filter, 14-30 f/4 @ f/8, 18 sec, ISO 100. Prior to this camera, I would have to set everything up - all settings and composition, change to manual focus, then screw on the Hoya R72 filter which was a massive pain in the arse. The starlight filter was initially designed so when shooting night shots in dark sky areas, you could see enough of the horizon to compose good foreground elements.
Maybe this element is old news to this group, but for me, boy howdy is it a game changer…and now to bigger and better scenes.

Wow. Trippy. What a crazy process, too. I’m not sure I’d ever try it, but it certainly yields some interesting results!