Question on LRC Lens Blur

I’ve noticed Lens Blur is pretty good, but for things like spaces between the ends of spread feathers, not so much. I’ve been fixing these masks by zooming in far and using the Refine brush - is that the best way to do it, or am I missing something? Thanks!

I don’t use lens blur in Lr as much as I do in Ps since the refinement tools aren’t as precise, but if I had to take a stab I’d try the brush with a way to isolate it - maybe intersecting with subject/object would be best. You could try color or luminosity as well. Sometimes you have to try different things before you find what works.

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Thus far l haven’t had much luck using the edge refinement brush. While I don’t use it as often any more because subject selection is fairly good, if I really need to get precise I resort to a pen tablet and trace the edge with a small brush. For that I still prefer a non AI masking plugin that Topaz used to put out called Remask. I haven’t had to replace it yet but I think you could get the same results directly in PS.

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@Dennis_Plank Ooh, I have a pen tablet I never use anymore. Maybe I should break it out.

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I do pretty much all my editing with a pen tablet. A few rough slider stuff with a mouse, but that’s about it.

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