I have had a chance to read most of the new guidelines and have a bunch of questions. Don’t want to screw anything up.
- Where is the Weekly Pick Gallery? when does the week run - same Saturday midnight to saturday midnight LOCAL time?
- What about the yearly picks? will they be chosen from only those images posted since this new site opened? (about 4 month’s worth of postings) or from the entire year’s posting, including on the “old” NPN?
- i’m not sure i understand the point of having a Gallery as well as a critique Gallery? If one is asking for suggestions/critiques on an image, they post it in the Critique gallery, then work on it some more and then post it again in the non-Critique gallery?? Seems to me to be double work, which - for me - will cut down time spent on this site since I only have X amount of time for online stuff.
- Re the Critique Galleries - in one place you say zoos/rehab animals should be posted in POP or Man and fauna, but in the wildlife Gallery instructions, you say zoos/rehab animals should be posted imn Man ad nature - but this gallery no longer exists (I think)
- What about posting links to interesting or informative info? Still allowed or not? In the past, I have posted links to animal or photo-related articles that I felt were of interest to others.
- What is this “Badge” thing? We get a badge for using an emoji?? Sounds like kindergarteners getting a star for doing something. (IMHO only)
Is this really needed?
Thanks for the clarifications!
Sandy Richards-Brown
still in Australia and unable to post