Ramalina Americana (+ 2 re-works)

LLC correction -

Further bright spot correction -

I’m at it again…more lichen!

This is Sinewed Bushy Lichen - I’ve been trying to get a decent shot of this because it’s crazy fun, but it’s also crazy hard. All but a few of the examples I have are much larger growths than this and they’re really too busy to show well. They are a delicate greenish yellow, a shade produced by the algae part of this symbiotic organism. This species is especially sensitive to air pollution and so I’m happy that our air must be pretty clean since we have so much of it on the fallen branches in the yard.

I used the LED panel to put a little gentle light on it for shadow and texture detail and to keep the background darker. 15-image stack.

Specific Feedback Requested

Ideas, impressions and advice for improvement are welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Beanbag support on garden wall so I could do this standing up. LED on GorillaPod to the side.


Lr processed for white balance, white & black points, clarity & texture, sharpening & nr. Zerene for stacking, DMap output with retouching. Lr again for a crop and a little contrast as well as some spot removal that just couldn’t be done in Zerene.


Nice work on the focus stack, Kris. I like the right amount of depth in focus. Awesome image.

Wonderful colors, tonalities and detail! I’m not so sure about the relative busy-ness and color in the LL though.

Thanks @David_Bostock & @Diane_Miller - these are fascinating little scenes and always challenging.

I’ve put another shot in the OP for comparison after taking down the saturation and exposure of the LLC. Thoughts?

I would have gone a bit further but it’s all personal choice. The lichen itself is so gorgeously fascinating, and wonderfully detailed and lighted, that I don’t want to look at anything else! But the colors int he corner are repeated in the branch and I don’t mind them as they serve as a lead-in. On third thought, I think cropping some off the right would put more emphasis on the subject.

Excellent work, Kris. The stack looks good and I really like the composition. I like what you did with the second post, but I am seeing some bright spots under the branch just to the right of the lichen that could stand to be dimmed a bit. Fine work.

Another fine image of lichen, Kris. You must have a lot of it in your area where you live. I like both images, and don’t mind the brighter spots in the LLC, but I am sure if they were dimmed it might even improve this wonderful image even more. Great shot.

Thanks @Diane_Miller, @Dennis_Plank & @Shirley_Freeman - I’ve gone back to the shot and brought down the exposure on the bright spots in the middle. I think it looks better.

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It does look better to me.

That did the trick, Kris.