
Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I was drawn to the sinuous flow of the tree, how it stands out in contrast to those around it, and the symmetry at the top. Having studied this image a lot, and perhaps gotten too “close” to it, I wonder whether the balance works top-to-bottom, or if too much of the trunk may be included in the bottom portion.

Creative direction

It was the mood of this scene, the juxtaposition of the massive bole relative to the myriad small limbs, that grabbed me first. The gray sky contributed, and I felt the camera angle captured the upward flow and sense, almost, of motion (“reaching”) that I felt upon seeing it.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcome.

Technical Details

1/640 sec, f8.0, ISO 640. Minimal processing in Lightroom Classic (e.g., shadows, highlights, dehaze).


It was a cold, gray day and I had just finished capturing moving water images at a rushing stream a few yards away. I came up from the bank and leaned on this tree to adjust my camera settings. When I stepped away, I looked up for a better view of what I’d been leaning against . The juxtaposition of such a beautiful, stately tree relative to the bleak sky and all the nearby & background trees spoke to me immediately.

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Ric, I think this view works very well. The sinuous tree trunk pulls my eyes from the bottom to the top (or visa versa) while the rest of the view is nicely filled with smaller branches and trees. I also think the limited dynamic range add well to creating a feeling of quiet contemplation.

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Thanks, @Mark_Seaver. I’m glad you like it, and appreciate the feedback.