We have had Passion Vines in our garden for many years for the flowers and to host Gulf Fritillary caterpillars. We have not had this variety for many years but Chrissy was able to find one at a local garden center already blooming. I kind of liked including a good bit of its environment with some mini-pansies in the BG. All comments welcome. >=))>
PS: For another view of this fascinating flower go here
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Sony A77II
Minolta 100mm macro
ISO 200, 1/80 @ f8
Bill, I like the environment included as well here. The flowers in the background is a nice supporting color to the subject. Just such a pleasing image.
The Passion Flower has so many intricate details to keep the viewer interested and including the greens and purples of the background colors enhances the scene. Very nice image!
Gorgeous image, Bill. It cheers me up. This flower is called “Tokei-sō” in Japan. “Tokei” means “Clock”, because 3 stamens look like clock hands, and “sō” means “plant”. It’s very popular in Japan, too.
Bill, Passion flowers look so exotic. You’re showing this one beautifully. All of the pieces in the view work together very well (even the fence rail) and the flower details are spectacular.
Nice capture of an unusual flower. The first time I saw one of these a few years ago I thought it looked like some kind of alien! Cool that you have them in your yard!
I agree with Mark that even the piece of fence rail adds to the overall interest of this image, Bill. Nicely done. Our Passion Vines are not out of dormancy, yet. I always look forward to them breaking out every year.