Ready To Rest

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The elephant ear plants in the garden are changing now his fall.

Specific Feedback

I tried to shoot it in the natural look and zoomed in on the veins and color contrast. Maybe crop a little bit more. Fun Shot…

Technical Details

ISO 640 shutter 100 f18

Definitely fun – the still-green leaves are teasing it, maybe not aware they will soon be aging, too. Very interesting patterns. Would be worth just shooting it as the solo attraction, close enough to be an abstract. It is lovely!

WOW. Thanks very much. The green leaves gave it natural contrast in my opinion. Peace to you :pray::earth_americas::pray:

I love the light and the patterns in the elephant ear leaf, Gil. To my eye, there’s plenty of contrast in the leaf alone and I’d be tempted to temporarily tie back the other plants to get them out of the way and come in a bit closer (particularly if you can replicate that wonderful lighting).

Thanks. I left the green leaves as a natural contrast. Thanks for showing interest :camera_flash::camera_flash::camera_flash:

Gill, the image has some interesting patterns in it. The lighting seems to radiate from the leaf and the colors mix well. Nicely seen image.