Red Oak in snowstorm

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I made this photograph from the top of a tower in a lovely park right in the middle of our city. It is a special place that gets me as close to being in the middle of this great Red Oak as my legs now allow. I love the way the Oak (marcescent) leaves provide the color in the image against the layers of snow-covered branches.

Technical Details

Sony6000, 50mm, 1/100, f/8.0, ISO100 with minor adjustments to tone curves in LR

John, I’m really enjoying your snow scenes this week! I like the layered look in this one with the snow-covered trees receding into the background, and the composition is very nice with the splash of color on the right side of the frame. If I could offer a couple of suggestions, they would be to brighten the image a bit and also play around with the color of the oak leaves to draw them out a little more. I hope you don’t mind, but I downloaded your image and made a couple quick edits in Lightroom. With all the snow in the image, I thought it could stand to be brightened up a little, so I increased the whites (+50). I also used the color point tool to select the reddish/brown leaves and increase their saturation (+20) and luminance (+30). I have deleted the image from my files. Here’s what I came up with:

Not sure what you think of these changes, and of course these types of changes are a matter of taste and may not be consistent with your vision for this photo. Just something to consider. I really like this image as is.

@John_Kilgour , BOTH edits very much appreciate. Both were actually on my list so you have inspired me to do similar. I often find the need to balance what I saw at the moment with what makes a more interesting photograph and you have “erred” in the right direction. Thanks.