I caught this hawk just as he left the light pole. Unfortunately, I clipped his tail, which has to do with my tracking technique, which needs lots more work. I liked the wing position, so kept it.
Specific Feedback Requested
This is a new camera . Canon EOS R6. Smaller image sensor than the 5. I cropped this down to 15% of the original. I am impressed with the detail that remained but, would like anyone else’s opinion on whether it is just too much. I did auto adjustments in LR and added a bit of texture and clarity. Also, increased the luminance to take out any noise.
Canon EOS R6, Canon 400mm Prime, f/7.1,1/2000sec, ISO 320.
Any feed back is appreciated.
The wing position is nice. I do like the wing flare. You noted the clipped tail. Looks like the sun was too high to illuminate the underside of the bird. I’m also seeing a good amount of noise, which I’d assume is from raising the exposure?
A really nice wing position and pose. I don’t think you had to crop nearly this much. The blue bg sky is not the greatest but the crop is still tight. You have to be a little careful on the noise reduction as I am also learning. I would also suggest a bit of lightening or shadow removal on the face/eye area would help bring the viewers attention to the ever important eye which you have captured nicely.
And very well done to get the hawk in focus as it jumped off the post even tho you missed the tail.
Thanks. I was just wondering how much cropping I could get away with and still have a presentable photo. I will lighten the face area. Good suggestions.
Very good, Charlie. I love the wing position and body extension. The bird looks like you may have boosted contrast and/or sharpening a bit far. There’s a touch of fringing around it. If you have the tail in the next frame, you might be able to add some canvas on the right and steal the rest of it from that frame-it doesn’t look like there’s very much missing.