The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Rather than drive you all crazy with separate posts for each of these smaller intimate Redwood scenes I thought I just upload several for this post and see what you thought. I try not to clone things out until I run images by all of you guys and I know for sure there are major edge patrol issues with 2, 3, and 4. Would you all let me know which is your favorite image and why and also should I redo images 2-4 for edge patrol or are they ok as is?
Specific Feedback
See above
Technical Details
Z9, 100-400mm lens @240mm, ISO 1250, 1/160th, f/8, Hand Held, Manual
I really like the first but I think a tighter crop, especially from the right side would improve it. The last image with the tree texture behind it is also nice, I see several options for cropped images with in it. It can be tough to shoot hand held with that camera and lens combination but you did very well with it.
David, these are all very nice and I especially love the light on the leaves and the bloom in the first image. The forth image is also my favourite because I like the juxtaposition between the soft green leaves and the hard textured tree bark. The third image is also very nice but I feel the second is the weakest because I feel the background is a bit of a distraction.
I prefer the 2nd image because it’s a refreshing change of pace from all the high contrast work you’ve posted so far. I also like it because it’s not as centered as you recent images. I would crop a smidgeon from the top. Three and four are weaker compositionally. Number one has that centered look. I’m pretty sure most people will choose number one for the lighting though.
Nothing but a giant YES from me, David. All of these are nice but the first one, with that lovely light highlighting the bloom and leaves against the darkened background, really pops for me. Very nice work!
It seems the first image might be the favorite but clearly there is no stand out image in this set. Thank you for giving me your thoughts on these. I very much appreciate it.
You are making this tough, David. I keep going back and forth between #one and # four. I love the lighting as it is perfect in the first rhodie image and makes the bloom and leaves the star of the show. In the last one I am enjoying the inclusion of the redwood truck because it gives the viewer a great sense of the place.
No nits on #one and my only suggestion for edge patrol on #four would be to clone out the flower and leaves touching the bottom edge. This is a wonderful set of intimate scenes from your trip.