Hi Everyone,
Here is, truly, my last image shared from the Moab area trip in March/April.
This is, I think, my favorite of the wider views from Deadhorse Point. The light and mystery are not as compelling as in the pre-dawn image, but this is a result of my rather late realization that the juniper tree didn’t really make the image stronger. This is a different frame than the one with the juniper, and I processed it to make the reflection a key element. Let me know what y’all think. (Pardon all the self-referential links in the passage above, but feel free to compare).
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Does the wider comp work, or is to too heavy on the right?
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Single exposure processed in LR
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Both this image and the previous one are splendid. In such landscapes, it is difficult to distinguish between the mastery of the photographer and that of the landscape itself, but I like both ways you represented the scene. From a composition point of view, I do like this better, perhaps, even though the light is more “normal”. I like the play of dark and light areas, the emphasis on the relief, and the meandering river with its reflections of rock and sky. Excellent!
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I think my favorite is still the first dawn image you posted. That was special. But of course I can see why this one might be a favorite of yours too. Composition is wonderful and this really captures the entirety of the place; including all the various elements, including the great showcase of the river and reflection.
I pretty much agree with @Antonello_Provenzale and his very excellent comments.
Thanks for sharing these with us! No nits or suggestions.
The handful of times that I have shot at DHP, I’ve always had issues with that juniper tree. In my minds eye I think of other images I’ve seen where I think I remembered it being effectively used, but I always had a hard time working it into my own images without it appearing to be contrived. My best effort with that tree was one time in winter where it was covered with fresh snow.
I like your image here, to me this is about as good a composition as one can get at DHP, it looks very well thought out. While I agree with @Lon_Overacker about your pre-dawn image having more impact, this is still a nice shot of a great location, and well worth sharing with us. Your processing for exposure, contrast, color looks dead on (no pun intended). It’s too bad about the blue bird sky, but that’s the risk you take when you travel to a shooting location. And you seem to have gotten over being bothered by the road, so that’s a good thing 
Marylynne, this is an outstanding view of the amazing geology and how wide spread it is. I did like the Juniper and how it contrasted with the geology, but that’s an artistic choice. The mix of road, river and land works very well as a pano.