Reflection + RP

A better crop:


Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I came across this pool of recently-melted snow just west of Yosemite NP, just this afternoon. I’m having a quiet day after too many wonderful early mornings and late nights in the Mono Lake area, to recover and prepare for more of the same for another three days in the Alabama Hills. So I was visiting with the trees in a reflective mood, savoring the photography adventures. I have some time for chimping with the laptop and decided to share this simple one.

Specific Feedback

All comments welcome!

Technical Details

Screen Shot 2023-06-20 at 4.16.13 PM

Basically nothing done in LR; into PS for minor cloning and a crop from the top.

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I’m not sure this is the right category. Feel free to move it or ask me to.

Diane, this is definitely the right place for your lovely image. I like the cool and warm colors. Did you consider a tighter crop to avoid the top section and focusing in on the center? That middle section looks like I’m peering into another world. Water abstracts are a great way to get lost in. Thanks for sharing this one.

Hi Diane,
what a wonderful image. I really like the contrast of the sharp reflected silhouettes and the blurry shapes under the water’s surface. Great that you spotted this scene.

I’m not sure about the dark reflection of the branch at the top of the image. So I agree with @Alfredo_Mora to crop the image differently.

I couldn’t resist and played around with your beautiful image. Here is what I did:

  • cropped the top of the image
  • dodged and burned at the edges
  • added some contrast to the center
  • reduced the colors to blue and orange

What a great scene. It must have been fun to shoot it.

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Thanks, @Alfredo_Mora and @Jens_Ober – you are both right about the top. When I shot it, I thought I liked the detail at the top but then decided it needed some cropping. I liked the small cluster of leaves there but now I agree I should have gone further – the stem is not a good feature. I’ll be home in a few days (from a fun photo trip) and I’ll tweak it – I’ll wait to see if the big monitor reveals any other details. Jens, I like your tonal tweaks.

I’ve just now had time to go back to this one, and have put a new version above. Thanks @Alfredo_Mora and @Jens_Ober for the insight!

Diane, the reworked version looks great. Thank you.

Wonderful image and the crop improves it.