Reflections-a mirror images



A small lake with still water is always worth pulling over, Location is somewhere in the San Juan Mountains ,CO

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Lovely scene. I wish I was there. I think cropping down from the top would bring focus to the trees and reflection, which is what the image is about. Could be a 16:9 or you could also crop a little off the left side.

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The lakeshore is crooked, so I would rotate the image counter clockwise to straighten that out. I also think the small window of blue sky is distracting as it pulls me eye up to the top edge of the frame, away from the main part of the scene. The greens could be desaturated some and the yellows slightly too.

This is a very nice still water reflection shot, James. I agree with others that it would be even more impressive if cropped from the top into more of a panorama without the blue sky, especially since the tops of the mountains are cropped anyway. You would lose some sense of the location context but it would make a much stronger graphical image. It seems just a bit overexposed also which loses some detail in the yellow and light green leaves. Since it’s not very much overexposed I’m guessing you could possibly drop the exposure in raw processing and recover those details. That would also result in greater contrast and make it even more striking.

James Milligan

I appreciate your input and did make some adjustments. The saturation issue was a major problem with all of the early morning aspen images.