A typical cloudy, rainy day in December. But I had my camera with me on my bike ride and had been wanting to photograph this little creek/ditch for awhile but there’s a lot of rubbish in it and a lot of trees overhanging it and crowding it out during the leafy times of year. But now with more rain and no leaves there’s actually some reflections to photograph. There were a lot of different angles and some with more trees but this was looking straight down over the bridge where the water runs through the ditch causing ripples. I thought it looked neat.
Specific Feedback Requested
I did it in black and white too. Which do you like better? Anything else
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Nikon D3400, 138mm, ISO1600 , 1/320, f/4.8 , 2nd image converted to black and white , I was trying different shutter speeds but I liked the slightly faster one to make the squarish/roundish ripples more contrasted.
Vanessa, both images are great, but the B&W image just kills it for me. Wow! What a great eye you have to focus in on this. The abstract result is sensational. I wouldn’t change a thing. Awesome.
A most enjoyable abstract. Definitely the B&W version for me. I find it better shows the patterns and I like its overall look. Very well seen and done.
Nicely done. The pattern is intriguing. Like a net, the interlacing branches seem to weave with purpose. If it were mine I’d bring up the whites considerably, especially in the monochrome version. Even the color version will benefit from more luminosity range.
Thank you so much for looking and your feedback, @David_Bostock@Harley_Goldman@Kris_Smith@Ben_van_der_Sande@Diane_Miller@scott_fenton ! I really appreciate. I reworked the black and white as some of you suggested to add more contrast and brightness. But it also made me want to rework the color I just bumped up the brightness and saturation a little. Interested in what you think if you get a chance to look! Thanks again!