Filmed from a kayak entering the north end of Lake George, NY
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Filmed from a kayak entering the north end of Lake George, NY
Is this a composite: No
I’m looking at this from an iPhone so take everything with a grain of salt. I don’t think the hanging branches above the reeds are adding much to this image. I would simplify. Just the reeds, the white snag, and the reflections cropped so that you don’t end up with a panorama.
There are some interesting details and textures here, both in the shoreline and in the reflection. The mirror image of the snag works for me as a focal point, because it looks so different from teh rest of the image.
There are some technical issues for me. The waterline is tilted, I would rotate this CCW, or Lake George will drain away I think adding a vignette to the frame edges would also help focus more attention on the center of the image.
Ha Ha @Ed_McGuirk!
@richard39, this is a beautiful scene and I love the vantage point of the kayak…you are braver than I am! I love these kinds of messy lake-front scenes. I especially like those reeds, and the water reflection is really great…kind of shimmering and like a watercolor painting! Keep Kayaking!
Thank you both for your helpful suggestions! I will play around with this some more.
Have a good day.
Thank you for your suggestions.
Hi Richard,
Welcome to NPN! Glad to have you here.
I like this image and especially the interesting snag and its reflection; I think it anchors the scene nicely.
I think this is well seen, composed, captured and I can just off a couple minor thoughts. IMHO, this looks a tad bright - although does reflect the brightness and time of day - looks like it was a beautiful day to be on the water!
I can see the point about the horizon line. For me though, clearly the shoreline is “receding” and I think this is a natural look. The only way to get a level line naturally is to shoot perpendicular to the shore, which would of course changed the angle on the snag.
Just for an alternative, I’ve cropped to square and toned down the brights a bit (maybe too much…). Cropping I think allows those overhead branches Igor mentioned to become a more important and added element rather than unnecessary - I like how they somewhat frame the snag (including the reflection. And a slight vignette, and these are my thoughts. (oh, along with the crop, some little content aware clone of remaining bright branch pieces in URC - upper right corner)
Looking forward to more images and your participation on NPN!
oh, the edited version, hope you don’t mind
Thank you. Your comments are very helpful.