Repost - Essence using Lens Blur tool in Photoshop

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I took this image on the Hall of Mosses Trail at the Hoh Rainforest. I was practicing Intentional Camera Movement. I moved the camera vertically. I wanted to convey a feeling of mystery that I always experience as I am walking though the rainforest. It makes me feel that I am in a fantasy land.

Technical Details

Camera: Sony A7RV
Lens: Sony FE 25-105 mm F4 G
ISO: 250
Shutter: .5s
Aperture: f/22
Compensation: -0.7
Software: Capture One

I added some contrast, brought up the shadows a bit, brought the highlights all the way down

Edit #1: The first one was with just the bright spots that Dennis indicated.

Edit #2: The second one is using the Blur filter in Photoshop.

Edit #3: The third one is using the Ripple filter in PS at 46%

This image just oozes rainforest, Rosalind. The ICM introduced those vertical lines that make it feel like rain. I do think there are a few places in the image (a couple of bright spots and a smudge that draw my eye) where some cloning might improve it-see my marked-up image below. Also, in the large version the detail is very sharp which so my soul kind of contradicts your intended feeling of mystery, so I’m wondering what it would look like if you used your weapon of choice to soften it a bit?

Hi Dennis. Thank you for your comments. I will implement your suggestions and re-post. Rosalind

Rosalind: The easiest way to repost is to click on the pencil icon at the bottom of your original post which puts you in the edit mode. You can then go to the top of your post and upload the new image there. That lets people toggle between the two versions easily. At the same time, you can insert text labels for the two and explain what you changed. We recommend that you also edit the title to add something like “and Repost” so people will know to take a second look after you’ve changed it.

Thanks Dennis for the tips.

Well, I don’t think I posted correctly. I was trying to post 2 different new versions. The first one was with just the bright spots that Dennis indicated. The second one is using the Blur filter in Photoshop. I will try and load the third one which is using the Ripple filter in PS at 46%

Hi Rosalind, welcome to the community! So great to have you here! I will look into fixing the original post with your edited images. Thank you Dennis for offering some great suggestions.

I love the direction you’re headed with the reworked versions. The distracting highlights have been resolved and the added blur really helps unify and soften the image to emphasize the story you wanted to convey. I love that you experimented with ICM and hope you do more of it. Well done!

It looks like you managed to get them all posted, Rosalind. I’m liking both the ripple and the bit of blur you added though both of the effects seem to have gone a bit further than I might have applied them-however, it’s your image-not mine. I’m wondering what kind of effect you could get by applying both of these through a mask and lightly brushing them in so as to avoid the tree trunks? Just an idea for another approach (inspired by a package of bird touch-up actions I bought from Glenn Bartley a couple of days ago).

Thank you Alfredo for fixing the posting. How do I do it correctly? Thank you also for your encouragement.

I will try that.