
The rhododendrons are in bloom along the Great Allegheny Passage Trail between Cumberland, MD and Pittsburgh, PA. In places the sides of the trail are a solid wall of deep green, leathery leaved shrubs with brilliant explosions of white blossoms.

When biking trails like this, it’s not the destination, but the journey.

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Is this a composite: No
iPhone 8, processed with Lightroom Mobile.

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This is a wonderful capture, within the limitations of the iPhone. I think the main flower is so wonderfully and subtly lighted that the ones in the BG are a bit distracting. I’m wondering about some cropping from the left but hard to find the perfect place for it.

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Paul: I like the comp with the prominent main bunch and the supporting BG blooms. I did crop this a touch and flipped it horizontally. We in the west tend to favor a left to right flow in images probably because we learn to read and write left to right so our eyes move more naturally and habitually in that direction. Certainly a matter of personal taste but back to you. >=))>

Another big rhodie shot that reminds me of home. Not much in the way of laurels here. I wish this had some softness in it. That’s how these have always felt to me and so this seems alien and harsh. I like Bill’s reversal though.

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I’m catching up on comments since I finally have decent WiFi. Thanks @Diane_Miller - I understand what you are saying about the extra buds. The crop is difficult, but @Bill_Fach did a nice job, along with a flip. Bill, thanks for the comments and crop. I like what you did. Usually keep the image the way it was photographed, but the flip is interesting. @Kris_Smith - Take a look at the image I posted today. At your suggestion I pulled back on the clarity and sharpening. From my other body of work I so used to trying for task-sharp flowers I forget to back-off when I’m outside of that realm. Thanks to all of yinz (that’s how we talk in Pittsburgh.).