
Another similar image to one I posted several weeks ago. This Anna’s Hummingbird was exhibiting warning behavior to another Anna’s Hummingbird in its proximity. Taken under cloudy skies.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any pertinent technical details:

iso 1600, 200-500 at 500mm, f8, 200th, tripod, no flash, D500, ACR 11, Topaz Adjust, TK sharpening action at 5%

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Very nice capture with good color and detail and a nice perch and background.

Great capture, David. I love that he is fussing. That is quite the expression with his mouth open so wide. Great colors and detail, and a very nice perch.

Great behavior and the techs look wonderful, David. Getting some glow from the gorget really helps add some pop to the rather dull winter plumage. I can’t think of anything I’d change on this one.

David, this is an interesting pose with the bird’s beak doing that. I’ve seen a similar articulated behavior in the Dowitcher a couple of times. Didn’t know what it was but Mia McPherson explained it to me. Nice detail and color, and good timing to catch that.

David: this is a fine capture of the moment. I like how the soft light has allowed you bring out the color and detail in the bird. The oof background really makes the subject stand out. Richard