Riverbank Etive

Glen Etive, Glencoe, Scotland

There was a lot of rain during the few days of our Spring workshop and the big scenic views were a little thwarted by the low cloud and generally colourless subdued lighting. Not so the more intimate shots such as this one near the bend in the river Etive where I slipped and slithered my way to the river bank to frame up a shapely tree against a moody blue grey sky and the soft colours of heather, red rock, dead grasses and falling water.

Pentax 67II, 55-100 zoom, 0.45ND Hard Grad, f/22 at 1/2 Second, Fuji Velvia 50.

Ian, there is nothing wrong with a little rain when you have scenes like this to work with. I love your composition, it just pulls the viewers eye into the scene, the diagonal of the rocks and stream is very powerful. The arrangement of the rocks looks to be very well thought out, my only nit is that i might consider burning down the LRC below the rocks, to get it lower in luminosity than the rocks above it.
Very moody image, I like this one a lot.

You’re so right about that tree. It’s interesting to me how thoroughly an element so small and distant can so thoroughly and powerfully dominate a larger scene with rich detail. If anyone doubts that point, try using your thumb to screen-crop it from the scene. It’s a marvelous ride through a great scene from the foreground to the horizon.


I just love the composition and balance of all the elements; beautifully composed. Well, maybe a small crop off the top to eliminate the tree top in the URC. but that’s pretty minor. I think you still retain the importance of the tree.

The only other small observation is the brighter rock tip along the bottom edge. Perhaps just burning down a bit.

Otherwise, processing, light, colors all look terrific. Well done!


Hi Lon

Yes I concur with the tip of the red rock at the bottom of the image once spotted it does grab your attention. I think it is worth subduing it a little.

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This is a beautiful image with some nice moody and subtle light. As usual your composition is finely crafted. Although it is a minor element in the scene I think that the tree to the left of the frame is important because it forms a diagonal line leading to the foreground rocks and also balances out the upper portion of the frame.

Beautiful and moody. I love the composition, too, with the angles made by the flowing water, the waterfall, and the hills.