The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Just one of the numerous areas in the eastern sierras along Rock Creek Canyon that was always a favorite for the fall “Tree Peepers” as so tagged.
This was one of my very first Medium Format images. As wall hangers go it was early on made into several Ilfochrome, later Cibachrome, prints in various sizes.
You’ve taken me there – blue skies like I haven’t seen in years, aspens at the peak of color, clear flowing water, Sierra rock faces… And a Cibachrome print – classic all around!
I had an RZ-67, and it took me a long time after I went digital in 2002 to finally sell it.
Thank you for the reviews and comments on this image. It was kind of a ground breaker for me moving from the 35mm platform to the 6x7cm sized images. Even though being a bit seasoned on using film in the smaller size I made plenty of mistakes with the larger size early on. Thankfully I graduated to the larger images along with even larger in 4x5 moving beyond making the beginner errors.
This area in the sierras holds MANY fond memories for me and my family overall.
Having this as a wall hanger is a no brainer for me!
The autumn colors and the deep blue sky is awesome!
The exposure time on the water is perfect as well!
I hope I we can make it out west next spring, we’re hoping for blue skies and safe travels.
Maybe we can meet up if it all works out? It’s been a long time since I was at Long Beach, I bet it’s changed quite a bit since the late 80s.
@Merv thank you for posting the comment here. Yes, this one is way back in the archives as a first or second roll thru my MF gear.
I suspect like everything in So Cal the Long Beach area is overrun and unrecognizable from your late 80’s visits.
Hard to image now but I drove to Long Beach daily during the 70-80’s for telecommunication work…YIKES !
These days family issues keep me close to home anymore. I still make it out to JTNP almost once a week. But it is always a sunrise U-TURN and back headed to home.
I love this area and you have done it justice! The shimmering of the granite, the fragile glowing leaves on the trees, the sprinkled leaves, the deep hues of the creek. The parallel lines of the sky, the cliff, and the trees work well. The one evergreen jutting up into the sky anchors the image well. Would love to see it bigger. Nice work.
@Irene_Reti thank you so much for your very positive input on this image. I had taken this many years ago now as one of my earliest images with my Medium Format camera. Still using it and my 4x5 to this day.
Again, thank you for your comment here…