Rock Pattern

I have always been inspired by Anil Rao’s tafoni images. Am still a novice in this area., This is an image I processed , which I had taken about a year back. These rocks have white salt deposits from the low tide.
Well after sunset.
Do feel free to critique.

7D, 50 MM Zeiss, F 5.6, 1/10, 400 ISO.
Balan Vinod

One of my favorite things about the new NPN is the ability to view larger images on a dark background. I’m viewing this in a dark room with the dark background, and when I click your image to view it large the combination of the smaller size and bright frame make it hard to enjoy the way I think I would if it was larger and didn’t have the bright frame. You might consider posting a second version for those of us “in the dark.” :wink:

Balan, I like the contrast and the textures here. The bright areas do a great job of keeping my eyes moving around the view. I do find myself wishing for a bit more detail in the darker areas. I think your framing and comp. work well here.

Very nice! I love how you composed this with the three vertical intrusions breaking up the smooth rock. The way the salt deposits create highlights around the cracks is also very interesting. I agree with @Mark_Seaver about having more detail in the darker areas, especially on the left side of the image.