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I got this shot at my backyard feeder. I cloned out a tiny bit of red feeder on the right. What makes this special to me is that I rarely see any Rufous Hummers. Usually Anna’s only. I think Rufouses are really a handsome bird. D500, Nikon 2-500 lens, Nikon 1.4 TC, gimbal head/tripod, 1/3200th, f/8.0, ISO 5600, 500mm, cropped to 1829 x 1358, AI Clear

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Very pleasant color, light. Very good detail and lack of noise for iso-5600. This is the place where Topaz AI Clear makes a difference in image quality.

Wonderful shot. Amazing image quality at ISO5600. Must me great to have species like this in your back yard ! Nice one ! Hans

Beautiful shot and wonderful detail and color, Dave. I heard my first hummer while working in the flower bed this morning. Put the feeder up this week, as I knew it was about time for them. Yeah, we don’t get the Rufous either.

Dave, handsome bird indeed! I might consider toning down the bright spot on the LL corner but other than that it’s pretty much spot on.

Great wing position and nice lighting and detail Dave. It is starting to show the crop in the larger version. If you’re patient and can sit or stand still for 15 minutes or so, you should be able to work from shortly over minimum focal distance for your lens. I notice that what scares them off is often just the motion of my hands moving to the camera, so I like to set on a comfortable stool with my hands on the camera and the feeder at the appropriate height for an eye level shot. It works in the garden as well.

I’m enjoying the shot a lot Dave, can’t say that I’ve ever seen a Rufus hummingbird for sure. We get the Ruby throats in Kentucky. I have photographed hummingbirds in California Northern and Central on the coast.

I really like your images background I like the lighting on the bird and definitely Super Stop action. I also like the way you crop the image. What a splendid shot of such a beautiful bird.

David mentioned using Topaz AI Clear which I found out about on the forum here and I got it and pretty much use it on my serious shots. It’s pure magic!

Really nice pose, love the fully outstretched wings. BG is nice, but I’d tone down those bright spots. To me, the IQ isn’t there. I’d imagine it is a combo of high ISO, big crop, and running noise reduction on the bird. The bird is very smooth, and I can’t really make out any fine details. Getting closer would cure all those issues!