The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Rugged Beauty
At first glance you might think these Bison must be cold, after all the temperature was below zero the morning I came across this scene. There is, however, a way to know that they are not. Wildlife of all sorts grow protective Winter coats and layers of fat that keep them warm. If they are well fed, healthy and not overly stressed, their coats will not allow much body heat to escape. If these Bison had been unwell, the snow would be melted by escaping body heat. So, despite the frigid February temperatures and the heavy snow falling all around them, I suspect these Bison are actually quite comfortable. They are just resting. Resting and waiting, because they know the storm won’t last forever. They are patiently conserving energy so that when the Sun comes out and the snow melts, they’ll have the strength to go find more food and prepare for the next storm. Resolute and tough as nails these Bison are. It is a gritty life in Yellowstone but they do this grand place justice with their own rugged beauty. This image was captured one snowy February day many years ago along the Gardner River. The floods of 2022 have rendered this location much less accessible to humans, but I suspect the Bison rather enjoy the respite from the heavy traffic that used to pass by here.
Specific Feedback
It was snowing quite heavily. I remember being surprised because it was -9ºf at the time, which is not usually conducive to heavy snow. There are some blurry flakes that show up in front of the more dark forms. I actually gave this a slight white vignette to add to the look of the conditions and to make the trees in the background less distracting. Does it all work? I also lightened the exposure a bit because it was early morning and fairly dark. I had to walk from a pullout to this spot and probably shot hand held due to no shoulder on the road.
Technical Details
I shot this many years ago on my D7100 with the 55-300mm kit lens.
This one is at 55mm, ISO doesn’t show up in the data, f/7.1, 1/200th. I cropped out about 15% of the original image for composition.
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Paul, this is amazing. I had to look twice to see the bison - at first, I just thought it was a lovely snow scene. The colour palette is excellent - the snow sets off the dark bison colours and the lighter grasses perfectly.
There is some odd stuff along the top border - maybe funny clouds or banding from processing ? It could be easily removed if you wished.
Really excellent image, and I’m impressed with the ability of that old D7100 - and with the photographer in visualizing this image and processing it.
Fine work!
Thanks so much @SandyR-B I’m not sure, but you might just be seeing a band of juniper trees off in the distance, obscured by fog and snow… not that it couldn’t be removed. I will play with that later!
Paul - I think you’re right - blown up larger, I see the faint outlines of patches of trees - that adds to the mystery! Please consider leaving them in!
Wow, this is incredible. And so beautiful! That is a thick layer of snow on those bison. Very cool.
I have that same 55 - 300mm lens. I use it on my D5600 when I want a longer lens while hiking. Manual focusing isn’t that great, but so what. That kit is soooo much lighter than my Sony with a big lens.
A great scenic, very nicely composed and certainly not the kind, we normally come across !
I wonder how well the top background is defined, that makes me want to see some more definition in the foreground and middle ground. I somehow feel that it is possible, you may try to get some more details.
Thanks so much for this! I actually intentionally obscured the background a bit with a light vignette for more of a snowstorm effect. I’ll share a new version of this later.
This is an excellent shot Paul. Kudos for being out there in those kind of conditions. It is kind of idyllic and peaceful in a way with the bison just taking it in stride. Great shot.
I like this one quite a bit. It certainly shows off the harsh conditions well, and their layout is great. To me it feels a little unbalanced. There’s more space on the right (from the third bison to the edge of the frame) compared to the left. I feel a thin slice could be taken off the right to get the threesome centered here and bring things into alignment.
Thats a good point Max. I had wanted to save that fallen tree at the top left, but it does throw things out of balance. If only they had all been looking to the right more! I’ll play around with it later tonight. Thanks for chiming in.