"Running" (Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone)

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I leaned way over the edge of the railing at the platform overlooking the waterfall at Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone in Yellowstone National Park. My lens got sprayed. My head, torso, shoes were sprayed. And the sound was so so loud. The billowing of the river as it leapt over the edge and into the abyss is a vision I’ll never forget. I’m grateful for the opportunity to use photography to capture and interpret these waterfall moments! Editing-wise, I dropped the exposure, blacks, and shadows way down to emphasize the contours of the water.

Specific Feedback

Any and all feedback is welcome. I would appreciate knowing if there is anything else I can do to emphasize the water’s power.

Technical Details

SS 1/640, f9, ISO 160, 78mm.
Processed in LRC.

Cool kayak-eye view of the power! (Wisely from the relative safety of the railing.) The lighting and fast shutter speed create some interesting textures. I like the textures in the lower parts of the image because they help draw the eye downward and into the frame. One suggestion is to experiment with toning down the texture in the upper right, which is a bit distracting for me. But overall great shot.

Thanks so much, Cathy! I’ll see what it looks like with toned down texture in the upper right. Appreciate that suggestion!

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