Rural Wisconsin

Rural Wisconsin

This is an early morning picture I made just a couple of miles from my home. I go past this farm often in the early mornings to see what the light and conditions are looking like. I have photographed it many times and this one is now a favorite from this location.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any thoughts welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
5D4, 35mm, ISO 400, F/8 , 1/500.


A familiar sight! The silos look new. Nice. The light is really great. I can see why you’re drawn to it.

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Hi Kristen, Thank you! That light was wonderful that morning and as you know that makes all the difference. The silos have been there for years but that Harvestore does look just like new yet. Thanks, Nick

Hi Nick, I thought I had commented on this but somehow it slipped passed. Sorry.

I think the lighting and the sky really make this shot. Time of day was just right. I think I see a bit of counterclockwise tilt, or perhaps it’s due to the lens pointing up some. That could probably be adjusted in PS using the lens correction filter. But it’s not stopping me from enjoying the image.

Well done.

Hey David, Thank you! Yes, this was about the light and those clouds in this scene. The lens was pointing up some as I had the camera pretty close to the ground. Great suggestion and I will remember that. Thank you, Nick

I grew up on a farm, so I have a fondness for rural shots like this. The photo brings back many memories of early morning chores. Great shot

Thanks Grant! Glad you enjoyed the picture.

I agree with David on the tilt, but it’s more than just an off-kilter horizon line as there is a significant loss of verticality in the buildings. I just did enough to show the general adjustment needed to make the structures work with the beautiful sky.

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Chris, Thanks much!..That works.

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