Salmon Falls in Shelburne, MA after a cold snap. Was pleasantly surprised at the icy landscape instead of the design of the rock colors and shapes that usually stand out.
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Canon SX60, F5, 1/640, ISO 100
Really beautiful "ice-fall " Patricia, this looks more like Antarctica instead of Massachusetts. The shutter speed has captured some wonderful looks in the water flow. And I love the green colors in the water. Is this from this winter? Here in eastern MA it’s been so abnormally warm that hardly anything has frozen this year. Despite having lived in MA for over 35 years I have never photographed at Shelburne Falls, you are inspiring me to give it a go in the near the future !!
Oh, very cool! I love the contrast between the rushing water and the ice blobs. That dark rock in the LRC catches my eye a bit; maybe lighten the shadows there it a tad?
An amazing image of water, ice and rocks. Perfect choice of shutter speed to get a very good balance between water blur and details. The green colored parts add an interesting pattern. Eventually, the stone in the LRC could have been included more (or the blackness reduced somewhat?).
Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions. I will work on or eliminate the rock in the LRC.
Ed - Taken last winter. The water flowing over the falls this winter has been nil or so much that no rocks are showing at all. Went yesterday and there was just a little snow on the rocks but no water.
Thanks for the update. Sounds like waiting until spring to visit Shelburne Falls is the best advice. Post vaccine, if you want to go together some time, you can show me the ropes at this location.
Waterfalls form such beautiful patterns when they freeze; you’re inspiring me to chase some of ours if we get a cold enough snap. You may have a good black and white lurking in there as well.
This is a gorgeous little icy cascade, Patricia! There are so many intimate details and textures in the large version to savor and enjoy. My only suggestion would be to remove the already mentioned rock in the LRC. Thanks for sharing this with us.