Same photo as yesterday but I used lab color - also a minor difference in crop here. I like the color on this one better - opinions? Yesterdays in comments.
The red, yellow, and orange colors definitely pop more, especially with the high key background. Thanks for reminding me about LAB; haven’t used it in a while, will have to try it again.
I do think the one you did with LAB color is a bit richer looking. I don’t know whether you could have achieved the effect with minor tweaks otherwise, but I do like it.
May have been able to. You know how the light dawns in these things. I think one of the problems with using my lightbox is that it is an old cheap style that has a fluorescent bulb., ie the white balance is off. The newer ones use LED. Anyway, trying to correct that in LR is impossible with the eye dropper as it just keeps saying find a neutral that is darker when I use the white background. If the flower isn’t white, then the whole thing is off. That is my current thinking, at least.
I tried to correct with the HSL in LR but it just did not give me the ability that I had when I went over to PS and did lab color. When I posted yesterday, I liked the photo but just felt something wasn’t quite the way it should be. Got the aha moment over morning coffee.
I know the feeling, Kathy. I’m not sure why, but my old light table disappeared. I discovered however, that I could download an app for my tablet that produced just about any color screen you can come up with, so I use that these days-works like a champ. If you’re worried about screwing up an expensive IPad or something, there are really cheap tablets available, and you sure don’t need much memory to make a white screen.
Luminosity is all says Alister. An excellent example for me. Also pastel colors are beautiful. I love the image Kathy.
The yellows are more muted in the LAB color version. I prefer the second one as the colors are less peachy and seem to have more variation. Has bit depth changed between the 2 versions?..Jim