Sandhills Dancing

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any.

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any.

Any pertinent technical details: This was shot in November '18 at the Merced National Wildlife Refuge at 1/1200th, f/8.0, 1100 ISO, at 700mm with a Nikon D500, Nikon 2-500 lens, and a Nikon 1.4 TC

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Nice catch and great poses, Dave. I’ve never seen them dancing together. While the light looks pretty harsh, the action more than makes up for it.

Well composed action image. Wonderful timing.

Very nice behavioral shot Dave. I would try to tone down the highlights on the birds a bit. The bird on the right looks a bit sharper than the one on the left, I will pretty much always stop down some when shooting 2 birds together like this to improve the chances of getting both very sharp.

This is a fine catch of this pair dancing, Dave. The splashing water adds even more to the sense of motion.

Great timing, and the splashing water is a bonus. I like that both have similar postures.