The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
I think this site meets the “Icon” WC theme for this week. This was from years back on a trip my brother and I took to the area.
I do recall the bison encounter in just trying to get to this exact spot. There was a large male laying on the the main path leading to the location. Additionally, I also recall a couple beavers swimming back and forth during the sunrise making small wakes in the water. I was lucky enough to get a few shots in after the rippling was gone.
This is a lovely, peaceful look at the Tetons from Schwabacher’s, Paul. The reflection along with seeing through the water makes a great foreground, while dawn’s early light striking the tops of the mountains speaks to the time of day and location.
@Ralph_Yakaboski@Mark_Seaver@Diane_Miller As always thank you for your review and comments. This was one of my earlier images with the 4x5. Back when we still had access to the QL’s (Quick Loads).
Paul: I have a similar image from many years ago so this brings back fond memories. Was this taken before the pine beetle outbreak? I’m not sure of the timing of that scourge but wonder if this scene is still the same or if the beaver ponds are no longer there. At least the memories of this classic scene are still intact. >=))>
Hi Bill, thank you for the comment here. I do not recall when that outbreak was. As near as I can recall this was taken around 2015-2017 time frame. I’ve been to that area at least 6 or 7 times over the years. Long before everyone on the planet became a “photog” as it were. I certainly do recall the serenity with only the beavers creating any noise and of course the wakes in the water too…
Fantastic as always Paul. You are more than a mere “photog” (oh how I loathe that term, almost as much as shutter bug, ew), and it always comes through in your careful compositions and attention to light and detail. On my visit to this location (I swear it’s exactly the same spot) I chased ducks up the river and enjoyed their antics as I shot on a crisp November morning. It was 2014 and my husband and I were the only ones there, which I now realize, is a rarity.
Thank you for your review and comment, Kris. I agree on the term “photog”.
We may have just missed each other out there as I think it was around 2015 I was there. However, I’ve been to the area several times over the years so I really can’t say exactly when I took this image…