Sculptured Resin Bee (Megachile sculpturalis)

Specific Feedback Requested: Any

Pertinent technical details or techniques: Canon 7D, w/Canon 100mm Macro. Hand held 1/200 sec, f/7.1, ISO 800

Is this a composite? No

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Marc, what a beauty. Nice details and color in the bee. nice smooth background and what needs to be sharp seems to be. Very nice.

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Marc, this is a fine look at this bee. The details in it’s head and body are excellent. Since it’s not a widely known invasive can you provide some information about it?

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Hi Mark. This bee is native to Japan and China and I believe the first sightings in the U.S. were in commercial ports in North Carolina in the early 1990s. They’ve since been observed in most states east of the Mississippi River. Ecologically, they are considered relatively benign, although they are known to compete with native carpenter bees for nesting habitat. They don’t have the ability to chew through wood themselves and do not cause structural damage, instead they will move into preexisting cavities. They forage on many plants in the U.S. but prefer pollen and nectar from plants native to Asia that have been introduced into the United States.

An excellent image of this bee, Marc. You did a great job of getting that eye very sharp. I also like the flower perch.

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