Pertinent technical details or techniques: Image taken through telescope at 2000mm focal length. Stack of best images from an astronomical webcam.
Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites) No
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What amazing detail a telescope will bring out! Is this the technique known as lucky imaging? It is amazing that it can capture detail on Saturn and Jupiter!
Diane, Mark, thanks for your feedback. Yes some people do refer to the technique as lucky imaging despite luck not being part of the process. It involves taking a video sequence and then selecting and combining the best frames (in this case 306 frames out of a video of 3063 frames) that reduces the effect of turbulence in our atmosphere to produce a stacked final image with reduced noise and improved sharpness. An astronomical webcam is simply a video camera / webcam designed to fit into the eyepiece holder of the telescope, although astronomical could also apply to the price.