Sexcited Hoody

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

The Hooded Mergansers Expression
Though side lit - still acceptable - wish it had turned a little bit to its left :slight_smile:

Improvement - anything that someone else’s eyes see

Creative direction

Nothing like nature captured in the right light!

Specific Feedback

Pretty much open -

disclosure - I did clone off a couple of Canadian invaders

Technical Details



This was taken at a nature preserve in Albuquerque way back in. 2011 - my 2nd year into wildlife photography
Bosque was closed for 1.5 day - snow blizzard - almost thought we would need to spend a night in our car on the interstate which was also closed thanks to a smart - a… 18 wheeler truckie - they did mange ot clear it 4 hours later and we got sunset here!

I’m glad you were able to get this shot. The one time I went to Bosque, it was mostly closed due to COVID. I’m not the person to give any technical advice, but there seems to be something weird going on in the background. The blur doesn’t seem consistent. Is that due to your cloning things out? I love the duck, just wonderful, and the light is very nice. I might have liked more room left at the bottom, though.

Thanks - no bird cloning but there is a road running across - covered in parts by foreground foliage that i tried to cover - have to work on it - thanks for pointing it out